Saturday, February 15, 2014

Numbers in Excel - a little more love and a little more hate

Well, this was not so bad, other than the mystery errors I got the first time I tried it that went away as soon as I did the exact same thing over again... Ah Excel... why are you so complicated?   Here is my finished product.   I admit, I only used the IF Function for the final semester grade;  I thought it was rather tedious, and since excel help recommended some other options I tried vlookup for the next one and it was SO MUCH EASIER.  So...  that is how I calculated the rest of them.  I used my new favorite tool, Jing to grab you a capture of the function.  EASY!

I know that I could have copied and pasted the IF formula over and over again, but I am only good at things I do more than once, and I really never wanted to get involved in that IF Function again, so I thought I should see what else was out there.  Vlookup was cool (and also impressed my husband who has a love-love relationship with Excel.)

  Since I was being honest when I said I am only good at things I do over and over again, I used a ClipGrab to get a handy little video that demonstrates the vlookup function.  Enjoy!

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