Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wordle families

At first, I toyed around with my readers finding the main idea using cut and paste and seeing what words pop up the biggest and most frequent, but it turns out there are not that many places where they are cool with you copying the text of a children's book.  :)  So I did what all teachers do when in need of an idea, I Googled it!

I will confess right away that I stole this idea from someone else.  And since I am not really a thief, but a teacher who appreciates sharing, I will give credit where credit is due!  This teacher suggests that first graders could use Wordle to create a word family poster.  She had an example on her wiki page, but I thought I should put a little effort in, so I made my own.
Love the idea and THIS is something my 6 year olds could do.   In fact, we just started rimes and this might be a great, timely assignment they could use that would also provide a grade in the technology line of their report cards.

A second fun idea she shared was using Wordle in math.  The students could make a Wordle that shows all the ways to make ten.  This is a little more confusing and I have not quite figured out how to get the symbols to show up.  More on that later.

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