Saturday, March 29, 2014

Prezi possibly?

Well...  that seemed a little too simple.  So I imagine I did it all wrong.  Let me paste the link in and get it live to see where we stand.  This is my Presume.  And here is a Jing shot.

It appears I did it correctly.  I left most of my experience "blank" because I have a job and don't want to alarm my principal. :)  I love what I am doing now and have no thoughts of moving on, however, making the action-jackson Prezi resume was fun.  The only real challenge was related to the fact that I do not have a Facebook account so I was unable to click on the templates provided and get them to work.  I had to go to Prezi, sign up for the free account, and search templates.  I went with the only resume template that was offered, but it was fine.

iste standards: I think this is a good example of standard 3, modeling digital age work and learning, and standard 1, inspire student learning and creativity.  Although this was a resume, I believe we have another assignment upcoming that will require us to use Prezi in the classroom.  This is a unique tool and one that will capture the imagination of my students once I master how to choreograph the "slides."  It should be embraced and utilized by teachers to liven up presentations, and older students could have a lot of fun using it themselves.  This was a good practice exercise to play with the interface and see how to add, delete, modify things.  It is certainly a creative way to present material.

Powerful PowerPoints

I rather enjoyed this assignment, especially since it resulted in something I can actually use in my classroom. Mapping is a topic that I have been dreading teaching; it should be something fun to teach first graders, but somehow last year it was torture.  I think we were supposed to cover it earlier in the year, but the rest of my team and I opted to push it to the fourth quarter because no one was really feeling the love.  I will use this PowerPoint to introduce it and I am actually looking forward to doing that next week.  It covers that main SOL points required and I may make another one to flesh out the unit.

I noticed that my link downloaded a copy of my presentation, but other people's links opened it in DropBox, so I am trying this link as well to see if it opens in DropBox.

I have made PowerPoints before and must confess that I often fell victim to the bullet-ization that General McMaster derided in the article.  It seemed that if bullets were built in, I should use them.  If I could make them float, flash, flicker, etc. then I should do so.  And I did.  Never again.  That's not to say this PowerPoint is perfect, but I did make sure the pictures did the talking and the text was kept to a minimum.  I took some things out that I may add back in after trying it live, but I think most of those were just reminders to me that the slide could be used for discussion.  As I get used to the presentation, I will probably be able to remember that on my own.  I went back to the Thirst example several times and it was definitely test driven, so I certainly don't feel that text is something that needs to be eliminated entirely.  That would not have been as powerful without the words and pictures working together.

Placing something in the public folder of DropBox was completely new to me.  I have used DropBox for years at home to enable me to bounce between laptops and desktops with ease.  I just started using it for work this year when my thumb drive died.  I did not even know there was a Public folder.  Very handy for sharing.

iste standards: I think this assignment goes along well with standard 2 -design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments.  This is certainly something that can be easily shared with a class, but also it can be shared with parents.  I have a student out of the country right now and his parents do not want him to fall behind.  I could easily post a link to this on my school web page so that they could stay in touch with what we are doing in the classroom.  I think standard 5 is also addressed because I plan to share this PowerPoint with my team members.  We are all constantly on the lookout for tools to use to introduce or deepen understanding of content.  I am sure some of them would be able to easily incorporate this into their introduction to mapping.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Google Docs - resume I can live with

So, I published a resume an hour ago which I really did not like the layout of.  It looked fine in my drive - lined up nicely etc. but when I viewed it on the web it was not the same.
You can see that nothing is really centered and my name is doing it's own thing entirely.
I don't know why, but that certainly is not the way I want to publish my resume.  I tried to fix it, but since the doc in the drive looked right, it was hard to determine how to fix the web version.

I made another one.  I guess the lesson here for me is the templates are not perfect, in the long run it might be easier and less of a hassle to simply create my own documents.  This is the new resume I published.  Much nicer.

Is there a technology standard for determination and perseverance?

Google Docs - publish to the web

Phew - I am sure all of this is very good for me, and certainly educational, but I have to admit that it is frustrating how much time learning some of it can take.  It turns out that since I had created my document in Word, and then uploaded it to my Google drive, "publish to the web" was not an option.  I thought it might be SU administrative controls, but now I suspect it has to with formatting issues.  So, I decided to go back and create a new resume using the templates.

Lo and behold, I did not actually have the templates in my Google drive.  Why would this be simple?  It took a lot of searching (and TIME) to finally realize that I had to ... is download the right word?  I had to add them to my drive.  Once that was accomplished, I copied and pasted my Word resume into Notepad to eliminate all the formatting, and then copied and pasted and rearranged it in the template.  I chose the simplest template, because I have other things to do and needed this job to be complete.  But, here is the link to my published resume.  I don't love the way it looks on the web, so I may make some changes, but thankfully they will automatically update.

Not that anyone would want to hire me after all my bellyaching about the assignment.  :)

Please see previous post for thoughts on standards.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Google Docs

This appeared to be a simple assignment, but then I got bogged down in trying to improve my resume. Forgive me if the one that I publish is not all THAT, but after traveling down the winding, circuitous route of a new resume format, I realized that I had been tinkering for over an hour and had really made nothing but negative progress.  I went back to my original, mustered the last remnants of my focus, and quickly added on my most recent accomplishments.  Maybe someday I will have a better, sassier, more modern format, but for now, you get the old standard.

I did watch the Jing video on how to create a new resume from the Google template and that is good to know.  Also good to know where to find those other fun templates (family budget planner tweaked my interest.)  However, I had a resume that I had worked on recently so I decided to spruce that up and upload it to my Google Docs.  Other than the wasted time trying to make myself sound as fabulous as possible while looking like a resume professional, I thought the process was fairly straightforward.

Publishing was a bit trickier.  Google had some good help, but for some reason I never found the option that used the language "publish as a web page."  According to the Help section, it should look like this when I click File, but it did not.  That little Publish to the web section that is highlighted in the image was not an option.  So... I chose Share, and then
opted to share it freely.  I am not sure if that is the same thing...  I wonder if Shenandoah University, as the administrator of my Google Drive, has somehow removed the option to publish to the web.  If anyone else is having this issue or knows of a solution, please let me know.

My resume can be found here.  Maybe it is a web page, maybe not. I will look into that.

ISTE Nets T- standards-
Accomplishing the task of uploading and publishing my resume was an example of modeling digital age work and learning as I was able to transfer my document from one media to another, and perhaps to the web.